BDO Checking Account
Type | Floating |
Rate | 0.25% |
Currency | PHP |
BDO Checking Account
The interest rate for this interest bearing checking account applies to the 'Smart Checking-Personal' product and may include a checkbook and ATM card. It also requires a minimum of Php 15,000 to accrue interest for this product.
The rate of 0.25% is 0.25% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -0.25 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019
BDO Checking Account
The interest rate for this interest bearing checking account applies to the 'Smart Checking-Personal' product and may include a checkbook and ATM card. It also requires a minimum of Php 15,000 to accrue interest for this product.
The rate of 0.25% is 0.25% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -0.25 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019
Q: I will how to open both saving and checking account.. How much the initial before I have a check